Strong Legal Advocacy For The Produce Industry


  • Legalese: Indemnity Clauses, Blueprints Quarterly Journal, Jul/Aug/Sept, 2012
  • Invoices and Trust Preservation, Blueprints Quarterly Journal, Oct/Nov/Dec, 2010
  • Legalese: Sales Agents, Blueprints Quarterly Journal, Jul/Aug/Sept, 2010
  • Growers, Growers’ Agents, and the Law: Avoid Barriers to Preserving PACA Trust Rights, Blueprints Quarterly Magazine, October, 2009
  • Bills of Lading, Blueprints Quarterly Journal, Jul/Aug/Sept, 2009
  • “EDI and PACA Trust Protection: Guidelines for Sellers.”, Blueprints Quarterly Journal, Jul/Aug/Sept, 2005
  • “Qualifying for PACA Protection – What you should know.”, Blueprints Quarterly Journal, Jul/Aug/Sept, 2004
  • Court Orders: Use PACA Trust or Lose its Protections, Western Grower and Shipper, August, 1999
  • Complying with State and Federal Laws in Marketing Agreements, Produce Law Newsletter, Spring, 1998
  • Making the Most of the New PACA, for Growers and Shippers, Proper Invoicing is Key, Harvester Magazine, 1st Quarter, 1996
  • When Your Customer Isn’t Paying, Part 1, Harvester Magazine, 4th Quarter, 1995
  • Alternate Dispute Resolution Clauses in Commercial Contracts
  • Using the Paca Trust to Collect Past Due Invoices